The energies at this time can feel quite intense with all the anxiety people are feeling. Being an empath being super sensitive to those energies it is important to release yourself and the others energetically.
One of the ways you can do this is to cut cords of attachment. We create energtic cords with anyone we have a connection to which can occur in several ways; meeting people, talking to people, thinking about people or them thinking about us or that person who cuts you off while driving. Not all cords are bad however, good or not they are draining to an empath. The biggest thing is to be aware that this happens everyday and cutting the cords with everyone is healthy for you and for them. There are a couple of ways that you can do this, but first you want to call in your healing, guiding and protection spirit teams in to assist you and that would be whoever you tend to work with but many ask for the assistance of Archangel Michael because he is a great protector and will assist you with his golden sword. Imagining Archangel Michael sword cutting all cords of attachment that you have had with people. You can also imagine a giant pair of golden scissors. When you have cut the cords as for all energy to be return to who it belongs to and transmute all energies to love. Our intention is only of love and light and wanting the best for all concerned even if you may have had a negative experience with them. This is the only way to be fully released from each other. I strongly suggest doing this daily right now to release anything that has come up and if you do watch the news please do this right after so that you do not take on that energy. The benefits of doing this daily will help your from taking on any ailments, we all have our weak spots in our bodies that are tells, when we are out of balance and we can become fatigued when we don't look after ourselves. When we take care of us we have the strength to help others. Much love, Samantha Get your e-book on to protect & clear your energy here
These times are certainly interesting. I have been feeling as if something was coming for months now. I felt a sense of urgency to get things done and clean up any unfinished business. When things started to slow down, I felt such a sense of calm. I know many of you are not feeling that way right now and fear is the emotion that is showing up. Here is something so important right now, we need to be diligent with our vibration. While these times are uncertain, the one thing you can be certain about is what you focus on increases. Be very protective of your focus and your vibration at this moment in time. It is also, so important to protect and clear your energy so that you do not take on the energies of the world, especially if you are an empath and/or a lightworker. Take advantage of the time at home to create a sacred space where you nurture yourself. Doing this will give you the strength to deal with the energies of the planet. As empaths/ light-workers we are being called to help lift the vibration to help awaken the collective by sending love, healing, kind words and many other ways that we can help. We can shift things in a huge way when we do things together and raise our vibration and help others to raise theirs with loving, healing energy. All it takes is 51% to make a tipping point in a positive direction. Here are some self-care tips to help you during this time to keep you feeling uplifted: DO...Raise your vibe: (These boost your vibration and your immune system)
Don't ...Lower your vibe (Some of these things can be entertaining but if they are creating fear or an adrenal rush this will deplete your energy stamina and lower your vibration and your immune system)
When we take care of ourselves we keep our cup full so that we have the stamina to help others and we also show them that if they do the same they will be able to have the energy to feel good and help too. Get your copy of Energy Hangover E-Book 10 Best ways to protect and clear your energy Sign-up for your E-Book here As we come to a close of 2019 we reflect on the year and the decade, what did they represent for you?
What seemed to be the theme or lessons that came up for growth. What were the things you loved, what would you have loved more of and what would you have loved to change. Taking this time to reflect helps you to get clear on things you want moving forward into 2020. What is your vision for your life? What are your dreams? What do you want to release and not bring into the new year? My reflection on the decade: The last decade has had huge growth for me, although it started a little earlier for me at the end of 2008, I sold my home, moved into a new home, 6 months later a house fire everyone was safe, 4 months after that we move back into our home. The growth and repercussions from that time took me almost 7 years to get myself grounded again and clean up loose ends. My lesson in that was not allowing myself to get the right help to move me through it, had I not been filled with shame and pride, I could have moved through this in 6-12 months. When I began to ask for help and released my belief of being a burden on people, life changed. It was not overnight but each layer began to lift and slowly but surely, life got better. I made it to the other side. In 2011, I began to awaken, I could feel the world was shifting and so was I. In 2012, the Mayan calendar ended and we knew that life as we know it would be changed, many other people began their awakening process during this time. 2013, 2014-my favourite uncle passed and I shifted again. My intuitiveness became stronger, I had a full conversation with my uncle and I could see him sitting on this beautiful sofa with my great uncle having a great time, I knew all would be alright. 2015, I was having a tough time in my marriage and my daughter was having difficulty with school, I created my Facebook group to shift my energy. I could feel things beginning to crumble so I needed to do something to lift my vibration. Fall of 2015, I had a visitation from Goddess Kali, the night before I was heading to a retreat. She was here to tell me that major shifts were on their way, beginnings and endings. In 2016, I began to build my website, I was in the flow and felt good. I had another retreat I was attending when I got a call that my mom was not in doing well but then she was released from the hospital very quickly. I spoke to her and my husband and daughter each had a conversation on different days, not knowingly but we all got to say our goodbyes and I love you's before she passed unexpectedly. This period took me into many dark nights of the soul, I am an only child and felt very alone through this process. Those who I expected to be supported by were not and those I never expected we there keeping me afloat. There were days that I just did not think I would be on this earth. I began to pray, to be shown how, I began to go through my home with sage and prayed for positive, loving, respectful, compassionate communication from all. I began to think if I am feeling this way, who else is feeling this way, I began to call in help to help heal my neighbourhood, and then expand that into the world. I blessed the mailbox so that everyone who came into contact with the mailbox and any mail would feel loved and that love would become contagious. In 2017, I began to complete any unfinished business left over from 2009 and began studying, completed unfinished courses, listening to inspiring people, meditating, anything to become more knowledgeable, raise my vibration, connect to my mission of being a lightworker. in 2018, my dedication was to complete my course and in 2019, I graduated. 2019 has been very good to me and I know 2020 will be even better. I am taking into 2020, asking for help when needed. Choosing how I want to feel, setting intentions daily, creating a life of love and high Vibration and teaching others to do the same. I am releasing all the decades behind me and welcoming in 2020 with open arms. Happy New Year! Much love, Samantha What I am learning from my dreams is that they are making it really clear that my thoughts and words are very strong and that I need to be aware of them. I need to clear the energies of my thoughts from any space or room that has left an energetic imprint. If I don't do this those rooms that had that energy will bring me back to that way of thinking again as well as anyone else who steps into that space. If the energy of that room has had high vibrational energy then no need to clear it. This energy becomes imprinted in the spaces. This is also true if I am being creative and I am not yet ready to share my project with anyone, then I need to clear the space so that this energy is not picked up and becomes someone else's project that they very innocently then think it is their idea.
One of the things I do when I want to get creative and clear old thought patterns especially if I have company and want the creativity to flow is I will wash my walls. I do this very quickly with a sponge mop and some light soap, this action shifts my energy while doing this as well. I repeat the mantra of ... I am releasing all that no longer belongs here for the highest good. If you think of how this shows up in our daily lives through your drive to and from work. This also shows up on the roads and highways of the energy of the people and their vehicles project and each person who drives on those same roads and now pick up that energy and their vehicle does too. Because the roads are usually driven in the same direction daily their becomes a constant energetic pattern. Even when there is zero traffic those roads still have that whoosh feel to them. When the energy has been stopped by the construction either fully or by shifting or shutting down lanes or the sides of the road they have now created some new energy. Be aware of how you are feeling when you are driving and change your energy by sending out love, put on some high vibration music, put a protective bubble of white light around you and your car, ask for your travelling angels and guides to help. When I am needing to shift my energy while driving I ask for a bubble of 5 ft all around me and my vehicle to keep people away for protection. I also ask that I and everyone who is travelling today in any mode of transportation be safe and have a pleasant day. This shifts me and my autopilot mind. Just be aware of residual energy that you or others leave behind in your daily life so that you can shift it if you need to. You know the old saying, I should have stayed in bed, since I am having a bad day? How would you feel about having less of those and being more excited each and every day? Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? The key to having a fabulous day is deciding to set yourself up for success. Deciding the night before while laying in bed daydreaming of all the wonderful things you have right now and that more is on its way for the next day and each and every day after that. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Once you create a beautiful morning routine the rest of your day will be lighter, brighter, easier and you will begin to manifest fabulous things into your life. What is so exciting about this is, that you now have the tools to reset throughout your day to bring you back to your centre. If you would love to explore shifting into higher vibrational energy, book your free 15-minute discovery coaching call with me. Book Samantha The beginning of a New Year gives us an opportunity to have a fresh start. One of the best ways to do this is clearing our space of old, stagnant energy and there are several ways we can achieve this.
This ritual for me shifts my energy and my mindset to begin my day. You will be surprised how much of a difference your space will feel. Clearing out the clutter in your home will make it feel lighter and open to receiving new abundance of ideas, opportunities and creativity this will bring in more of what you desire. This may feel daunting at first but start with small tasks each day to get this moving. Decide that you will do at least 15-30 minutes each day. Create a plan for each day like starting with the no-brainer things that you can go through quickly like junk mail or a small drawer. You may decide to choose one room to concentrate on at a time, whatever works for you but write a list and choose 1-3 for each day and then check them off as you complete them. This will feel so good. Clearing out emails frees up space for your mind, anything you can release from your inbox is great for the clearing mind clutter. If you can start off the New Year with an empty or close to an empty email inbox that is fabulous. Release any old contacts that you know that you won't need again. Unsubscribe from things that no longer are relevant to you. Try to clear your inbox as often as possible to keep it from becoming overwhelming. Clear out people who don't make you feel good. This can be a difficult one but it is so important to pay attention to where you are spending your time. You should feel good after being with someone at least 80% or more of the time. We all can have days with someone that doesn't go well but it should not be ongoing. You may have a good friend who is going through a crisis for a long period of time and you want to help and that is great but not at the detriment to your own health. The main thing is to be aware of what these relationships are doing to your energy and health and then decide how much time you are willing to spend with them if at all. There are people who will just suck the life out of you and those you need to spend the least amount of time with or cut them out completely. This is really where you need to set boundaries with people, particularly family members that you may love but are not good for you. Clearing out food that is not high resonating because these all lower your energy and your intuition. Slowly go through your cupboards and get rid of foods that don't give you high nutritional value. The highest resonating foods are non-Genetically modified foods (non-GMO) that are plant-based fruits and veggies, beans, legumes, rice, etc like a vegetarian or vegan diet. If you do eat meat and fish make sure it is also humanely raised and humanely butchered. You take on the energy of the animal and the people that are has been in contact with, so it is important to know its background. Any food you bring home from the grocery store you want to clear the energy from all the people who have handled it or even walked by it. Many of your groceries you will wash before eating so this will help those foods but if you want to clear all your food you can ask the universe, Angels and guides to clear your food before putting them away. Releasing all energy that doesn't belong to you to be returned to all those who came into contact with your food. Remember to just make a plan and do any much as you can in 15-30 minutes a day. If you feel like doing more go for it but just decide when and the amount of time you want to start with, it will be much less overwhelming to think, I'm going to see how much I can do in 15 minutes rather than think I need to do all this and finish it, because you probably won't even start it. If you miss a day or you do only 5 minutes then just pick where you left off on the next day. No point in punishing yourself, remember to be kind to yourself and that will be a new welcomed change for the New Year. As you begin to make these small changes watch what you begin to manifest into your life, take note and be in a state of gratitude to allow more of it to come to you. |
AuthorEmpowerment coach, Angel card reader, meditation creator, meditation facilitator, Reiki healer, Makeup artist, Archives
September 2024
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