There are many different forms of meditation and all are great tools for the mind/body/soul. Meditation calms and quiets the mind and body so that you can get clear on what you really want.
Meditation can heal the body by lowering blood pressure and calming stress. I have meditated since I was a child but really didn't completely connect until later in my adult life. I was amazed when I could literally feel my body vibrate after expanding my heart chakra.
Meditation can heal the body by lowering blood pressure and calming stress. I have meditated since I was a child but really didn't completely connect until later in my adult life. I was amazed when I could literally feel my body vibrate after expanding my heart chakra.
WALKING MEDITATIONIn my walking meditation classes, we will connect with nature, ourselves and be open to the universal messages.
GUIDED MEDITATIONMy guided meditations will take you through setting intentions, releasing, clearing, relaxation and healing.
MANTRA MEDITATIONMantra or affirmation meditations focus on a word or phrase to keep the mind clear of outside influences.
MINDFULNESS MEDITATIONMindfulness is a form of meditation while doing an activity like drinking tea and just staying really present and in the moment by not letting other thoughts interrupt the activity.
Different types of meditation walks
Come join me on a wonderful walking meditation. We will connect with nature and other like-minded women. We will get the energy flowing in our lives by moving our bodies, clearing our minds and listening to natures messages. With a willing heart, all things are possible and I am so excited to meet you and connect.
We will meet in a park in the morning, I will guide you through a meditation at the beginning of our walk and the rest of the walk we will be silent to listen to nature and listen to any messages that come to us. After the walk, we will journal what we have received and our gratitude. An open discussion can happen afterwards for anyone who would like to share. The gentle walking meditation and journaling is about an hour in total. |
Brampton, Ont Canada