IS IT YOURS OR IS IT MINE? An Empaths dilemma! Hello Empath, As an empath, we are super sensitive to our emotions and to other peoples’ emotions and sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish whether they are ours or other people’s. I remember as a child I was sensitive but I didn’t know that I was an empath but sometimes I would come home from my friends’ place and I would be so angry and agitated that my mom would ask me what had happened when I was over there. I would tell her that everything was fine but the parents would have the tv on loud while watching the news. As kids, we were having fun but the energy of the news, the loudness and the reaction from the parents watching it would really affect me. Have you had this experience? Where you are feeling an emotion but it really does not make sense in the situation? You could be having a good time but feel very sad or angry all of a sudden. So, asking yourself the right questions to find out whether they are your emotions or not begins the process of understanding how to deal with them. One of the best things to do is write in your journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are the steps:
Energetic clearing: If you find that the emotions are not yours, you need to disconnect from that person or persons or you will become exhausted. Empaths really need to clear their energy regularly. Several times a day depending on the amount of exposure to people and how much of news you listen to. One of the important things to do is cut cords with the people and things that you are taking on their energy from.
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AuthorEmpowerment coach, Angel card reader, meditation creator, meditation facilitator, Reiki healer, Makeup artist, Archives
October 2024
What are your first thoughts? Is it yours or is it mine? Gratitude Sacred Spaces Zebra Sign and Symbols |
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