As we come to a close of 2019 we reflect on the year and the decade, what did they represent for you?
What seemed to be the theme or lessons that came up for growth. What were the things you loved, what would you have loved more of and what would you have loved to change. Taking this time to reflect helps you to get clear on things you want moving forward into 2020. What is your vision for your life? What are your dreams? What do you want to release and not bring into the new year? My reflection on the decade: The last decade has had huge growth for me, although it started a little earlier for me at the end of 2008, I sold my home, moved into a new home, 6 months later a house fire everyone was safe, 4 months after that we move back into our home. The growth and repercussions from that time took me almost 7 years to get myself grounded again and clean up loose ends. My lesson in that was not allowing myself to get the right help to move me through it, had I not been filled with shame and pride, I could have moved through this in 6-12 months. When I began to ask for help and released my belief of being a burden on people, life changed. It was not overnight but each layer began to lift and slowly but surely, life got better. I made it to the other side. In 2011, I began to awaken, I could feel the world was shifting and so was I. In 2012, the Mayan calendar ended and we knew that life as we know it would be changed, many other people began their awakening process during this time. 2013, 2014-my favourite uncle passed and I shifted again. My intuitiveness became stronger, I had a full conversation with my uncle and I could see him sitting on this beautiful sofa with my great uncle having a great time, I knew all would be alright. 2015, I was having a tough time in my marriage and my daughter was having difficulty with school, I created my Facebook group to shift my energy. I could feel things beginning to crumble so I needed to do something to lift my vibration. Fall of 2015, I had a visitation from Goddess Kali, the night before I was heading to a retreat. She was here to tell me that major shifts were on their way, beginnings and endings. In 2016, I began to build my website, I was in the flow and felt good. I had another retreat I was attending when I got a call that my mom was not in doing well but then she was released from the hospital very quickly. I spoke to her and my husband and daughter each had a conversation on different days, not knowingly but we all got to say our goodbyes and I love you's before she passed unexpectedly. This period took me into many dark nights of the soul, I am an only child and felt very alone through this process. Those who I expected to be supported by were not and those I never expected we there keeping me afloat. There were days that I just did not think I would be on this earth. I began to pray, to be shown how, I began to go through my home with sage and prayed for positive, loving, respectful, compassionate communication from all. I began to think if I am feeling this way, who else is feeling this way, I began to call in help to help heal my neighbourhood, and then expand that into the world. I blessed the mailbox so that everyone who came into contact with the mailbox and any mail would feel loved and that love would become contagious. In 2017, I began to complete any unfinished business left over from 2009 and began studying, completed unfinished courses, listening to inspiring people, meditating, anything to become more knowledgeable, raise my vibration, connect to my mission of being a lightworker. in 2018, my dedication was to complete my course and in 2019, I graduated. 2019 has been very good to me and I know 2020 will be even better. I am taking into 2020, asking for help when needed. Choosing how I want to feel, setting intentions daily, creating a life of love and high Vibration and teaching others to do the same. I am releasing all the decades behind me and welcoming in 2020 with open arms. Happy New Year! Much love, Samantha |
AuthorEmpowerment coach, Angel card reader, meditation creator, meditation facilitator, Reiki healer, Makeup artist, Archives
October 2024
What are your first thoughts? Is it yours or is it mine? Gratitude Sacred Spaces Zebra Sign and Symbols |
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