I got up today and meditated... During my meditation, I was guided to transform my reality from a belief that I could only just get to a certain vibrational threshold of what I thought I deserved. I needed to go back and look at where in my childhood I experienced this. What I discovered was that as a child, I was frequently ill with childhood diseases, including measles twice, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, and tonsillitis, which I however still have. Here is what being sick meant for me: it kept me safe. I was shy and had throat chakra issues, so I didn't need to speak. It meant I didn't get picked on at school by students and teachers, and I didn't do well in school since I wasn't there much and was too shy to ask questions. When I was sick, I got the most loving attention from my family: special meals, a forehead rub, a back rub, and maybe a gift. My family did love me, but I perceived it the most when I was ill. What also came with this was guilt about being a burden on my family. Taking too much of their time and money.
When I am pursuing a goal, this comes into play with my childhood beliefs of being unworthy of success, not trusting my body and my voice, being a burden with success or failure, and taking too much time and money. As a result now that I have uncovered this, where do I go from here? I can now jump in and transmute it by journaling a new reality and then going back and visualizing the new reality in my meditation. I can do this by visualising being healthy as a child and still receiving love and attention. I enjoyed my childhood, being creative, and having different outcomes at school. Here is why I think it's important to journal it out first. It helps you to get clear on the details; it helps to include your body in the equation, and you will probably want to do your visualization for several days so that it becomes your dominating thoughts and vibration. You can also record your journaled reality and listen to it as often as you like. Think of how many times we ruminate our negative thoughts, so it's necessary to experience our positive thoughts frequently. So in order for us to create new beliefs and a new reality we must revisit our childhood where it all began. What I mean by that is we developed most of our beliefs when we were young...and to heal our life NOW... we must heal the child part of us that is still emotionally hurt in our "past" That is what the training will help you resolve...in the Empowered Empath Course (Awakening in 5D Energy) "shadow-work" which is SO powerful and the key to healing in an energetic way! I just want to send you this quick email Talk to you soon, Samantha PS. if you want the training to learn how to integrate your shadow and heal your inner child. Click here Comments are closed.
AuthorEmpowerment coach, Angel card reader, meditation creator, meditation facilitator, Reiki healer, Makeup artist, Archives
October 2024
What are your first thoughts? Is it yours or is it mine? Gratitude Sacred Spaces Zebra Sign and Symbols |
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