You know the old saying, I should have stayed in bed, since I am having a bad day? How would you feel about having less of those and being more excited each and every day? Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? The key to having a fabulous day is deciding to set yourself up for success. Deciding the night before while laying in bed daydreaming of all the wonderful things you have right now and that more is on its way for the next day and each and every day after that. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Once you create a beautiful morning routine the rest of your day will be lighter, brighter, easier and you will begin to manifest fabulous things into your life. What is so exciting about this is, that you now have the tools to reset throughout your day to bring you back to your centre. If you would love to explore shifting into higher vibrational energy, book your free 15-minute discovery coaching call with me. Book Samantha
The beginning of a New Year gives us an opportunity to have a fresh start. One of the best ways to do this is clearing our space of old, stagnant energy and there are several ways we can achieve this.
This ritual for me shifts my energy and my mindset to begin my day. You will be surprised how much of a difference your space will feel. Clearing out the clutter in your home will make it feel lighter and open to receiving new abundance of ideas, opportunities and creativity this will bring in more of what you desire. This may feel daunting at first but start with small tasks each day to get this moving. Decide that you will do at least 15-30 minutes each day. Create a plan for each day like starting with the no-brainer things that you can go through quickly like junk mail or a small drawer. You may decide to choose one room to concentrate on at a time, whatever works for you but write a list and choose 1-3 for each day and then check them off as you complete them. This will feel so good. Clearing out emails frees up space for your mind, anything you can release from your inbox is great for the clearing mind clutter. If you can start off the New Year with an empty or close to an empty email inbox that is fabulous. Release any old contacts that you know that you won't need again. Unsubscribe from things that no longer are relevant to you. Try to clear your inbox as often as possible to keep it from becoming overwhelming. Clear out people who don't make you feel good. This can be a difficult one but it is so important to pay attention to where you are spending your time. You should feel good after being with someone at least 80% or more of the time. We all can have days with someone that doesn't go well but it should not be ongoing. You may have a good friend who is going through a crisis for a long period of time and you want to help and that is great but not at the detriment to your own health. The main thing is to be aware of what these relationships are doing to your energy and health and then decide how much time you are willing to spend with them if at all. There are people who will just suck the life out of you and those you need to spend the least amount of time with or cut them out completely. This is really where you need to set boundaries with people, particularly family members that you may love but are not good for you. Clearing out food that is not high resonating because these all lower your energy and your intuition. Slowly go through your cupboards and get rid of foods that don't give you high nutritional value. The highest resonating foods are non-Genetically modified foods (non-GMO) that are plant-based fruits and veggies, beans, legumes, rice, etc like a vegetarian or vegan diet. If you do eat meat and fish make sure it is also humanely raised and humanely butchered. You take on the energy of the animal and the people that are has been in contact with, so it is important to know its background. Any food you bring home from the grocery store you want to clear the energy from all the people who have handled it or even walked by it. Many of your groceries you will wash before eating so this will help those foods but if you want to clear all your food you can ask the universe, Angels and guides to clear your food before putting them away. Releasing all energy that doesn't belong to you to be returned to all those who came into contact with your food. Remember to just make a plan and do any much as you can in 15-30 minutes a day. If you feel like doing more go for it but just decide when and the amount of time you want to start with, it will be much less overwhelming to think, I'm going to see how much I can do in 15 minutes rather than think I need to do all this and finish it, because you probably won't even start it. If you miss a day or you do only 5 minutes then just pick where you left off on the next day. No point in punishing yourself, remember to be kind to yourself and that will be a new welcomed change for the New Year. As you begin to make these small changes watch what you begin to manifest into your life, take note and be in a state of gratitude to allow more of it to come to you. What are your first thoughts in the morning?
What was your first, second and third thoughts when you woke up this morning? Those were the intentions that you set for your day, were they positive or negative? Were they gentle or harsh about yourself or others? I know some of you will say my first thought was for the bathroom or for some coffee but were they really? Pay attention to your thoughts just as you are coming out of sleep if you can write them down. Do this for a couple of days and see where your thoughts are wandering to. Those thoughts set your intentions for you unconsciously. When you repeat those thoughts over and over, they then become a belief. Now think about what kinds of things have you been attracting into your life, are they the things you love or something else? If you are not attracting things you love then let's begin with changing your morning thoughts by being aware of those thoughts first, then change them into something positive. Write out those negative thoughts and write out what the opposite would be to create a new affirmation.
The more we can shift our wording our thoughts will follow. Be your own best friend, if you heard your friend talking to themselves the way you have been you would be protective of them and ask them to change their words too. Create some beautiful affirmations that you can say to yourself before bed and first thing in the morning. Put them on notes around your bathroom mirror so you see them all the time. Some sample intentions/affirmations I am joyful I am beautiful I am excited to meet the day I am loving I am open to new opportunities I know that everything will work out I know that I am strong I know I am in the right moment and more right moments are on the way Think about the life you want and dream, think it, write it, say it, feel it and then start the process again with the same dream and with the next dream. I would love to hear how you are doing with this and what you have created for your life, big or small. IS IT YOURS OR IS IT MINE? An Empaths dilemma! Hello Empath, As an empath, we are super sensitive to our emotions and to other peoples’ emotions and sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish whether they are ours or other people’s. I remember as a child I was sensitive but I didn’t know that I was an empath but sometimes I would come home from my friends’ place and I would be so angry and agitated that my mom would ask me what had happened when I was over there. I would tell her that everything was fine but the parents would have the tv on loud while watching the news. As kids, we were having fun but the energy of the news, the loudness and the reaction from the parents watching it would really affect me. Have you had this experience? Where you are feeling an emotion but it really does not make sense in the situation? You could be having a good time but feel very sad or angry all of a sudden. So, asking yourself the right questions to find out whether they are your emotions or not begins the process of understanding how to deal with them. One of the best things to do is write in your journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are the steps:
Energetic clearing: If you find that the emotions are not yours, you need to disconnect from that person or persons or you will become exhausted. Empaths really need to clear their energy regularly. Several times a day depending on the amount of exposure to people and how much of news you listen to. One of the important things to do is cut cords with the people and things that you are taking on their energy from.
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In the midst of turmoil and angst, we can’t see what is being moved and changed to get us closer to where we are supposed to be. We often ignore many of the signs until they get so loud and disruptive that we become overwhelmed with life. Things go wrong sometimes to bring us to something so right but aren’t even on our radar yet. It can be difficult to stay positive during these times so now is the best and most important time to start listing off at least 3 things you are grateful for because gratitude lifts our spirits, shows us that not all areas are affected as we may have thought and doing this raises our vibration. The more we can lift ourselves the universe gets behind us to provide a better way. Worrying can’t make things better but gratitude can. Taking note throughout your day, spotting all the small beauties in the world and saying thank you I love more of that, please. The universe will listen. A wonderful daily ritual is to think of 3 or more things first thing in the morning before you even get out of bed and do the same just before you go to sleep. This begins to shift your brain chemistry and your vibrational energy. This is totally a win/win! As these shifts begin you are able to manifest things you truly desire and look at life full of possibilities and solutions rather than feeling hopeless. Growth and change are not easy but being grateful every day and looking for the sunny spaces between the darkness will change your life for the better. Samantha Vidal The zebra has been a part of my life for the last few months. I have a poster with 4 zebras that had in my basement office and decided I needed to move them closer to me in my living room. They are great messengers for me. They are stunning, they are unique, none of them has identical stripes but they recognise each other. They are different but they are safe when they are in their tribe together. predators have difficulty attacking one when they blend in together.
They mirror to me that I am unique and have always been different but I need my tribe. I have been safe being invisible but I have learned that if you have a tribe you can continue to be unique and be safe at the same time. Samantha Vidal |
AuthorEmpowerment coach, Angel card reader, meditation creator, meditation facilitator, Reiki healer, Makeup artist, Archives
October 2024
What are your first thoughts? Is it yours or is it mine? Gratitude Sacred Spaces Zebra Sign and Symbols |
© 2015-2025 Samantha Vidal and Empowered Intention, all rights reserved.